Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Question of IQ

After quite a bit of prodding from the boyfriend, I've finally scheduled myself in to do the standard Mensa test next Saturday. I'm still not convinced by his argument that qualifying for Mensa will do wonders for my CV but I can't think of any reasons for not attempting the test either. I'm also not entirely convinced of the efficacy of intelligence testing or its real benefits to most people.

Very topical, is an offside discussion of the benefits (or lack thereof) of being part of Mensa on one of the several mailing lists I lurk on. Apparently, Mensa has its fair share of self-important morons and socially inept geeks. Moreover, one is only likely to benefit being involved with a fairly large and active chapter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is important to know that with the exception of that one commonality (scoring in the top 2% of a standardized intelligence test), Mensa membership is drawn from the entire general population It is true that we have our share of geeks and the socially challenged. It is also true that in Mensa the percentage of introverts to extroverts is 75% to 25% whereas in the general population is it the reverse. That also accounts for the ease with which many who have not felt comfortable in most social settings, almost instantly are at ease in Mensa. Good luck on your test - we will be waiting at the door to welcome you.